Let me kick this thing off with a rant, courtesy of Quentin Tarantino, labeller of cops as "murderers" and recently self-described "person of conscience."
Liberals like calling themselves "people of conscience." They like their consciences and heed them, a lot. But "people of conscience" is an invalid label for two reasons.
Reason #1: The term implies that nobody else has a conscience, which is absurd. It also implies that if you had a conscience, you'd believe like the "people of conscience" do. Actually, other people's consciences probably operate better than the typical liberal's does.
Reason #2: It's wrong to call a conscience what they're referring to as their "conscience." The typical liberal "conscience" doesn't behave like a normal conscience. A lot of bad things are done due to the liberal "conscience," things that you and I would recognize as clearly bad, wrong, or immoral, and the typical liberal is unwilling to examine those things.
One good example is the modern system of slavery known as welfare. For every case of a family sincerely needing to be on welfare or being better off from being on welfare, you or I can point out people who are trapped in the welfare system, being kept at poverty or near-poverty income levels and punished financially if they attempt to get a job or otherwise generate any kind of legitimate income.
The true reason for this slave class is to make people dependent on the handouts and who will therefore vote Democrat, but only the politicians really know that; the liberal rank and file sincerely believe they are doing some good here. But who's happy about it? Not those on welfare: it obviously beats having nothing at all, but they're trapped into that dismal income level with no prospects of improvement; they have no dignity and no hope of anything better. Not the taxpayer: we have to fund this gulag. The only happy ones are the liberals, because they've managed to appease their "consciences." This isn't about peole helping people, but about liberals feeling better about themselves. It's about patting themselves on the back. It's all about them.
A true conscience would be concerned about the dead-end lives of these people and would be looking for ways to elevate them out of their misery. This is a frequent talking-point among conservatives; they would rather raise people out of misery than keep them there. And isn't that actually doing some good?
Another example of the lack of true conscience among liberals is abortion. They cringe at child abuse but think nothing of barbaric third-trimester butchering techniques -- without the benefit of anesthesia, by the way. Why are their hearts so cold to babies in the womb? Why do they not give a thought to aborting at 8 months what is viable at 6 months? How is that a true conscience? They cling to the idea of "the woman's right to privacy" as if it's more than just a convenient legal construct -- because there's nothing else they can call on to justify abortion. I knew of a woman who used abortion as birth control, and the only reason she kept one baby is because the baby's father had money. That child's self image will be crushed when they find this out, and society will have another badly-raised human to deal with.
So keep all this in mind the next time you hear the term "people of conscience," and see it for the ridiculous posturing it is.
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